Friday, March 21, 2008

Pregnant 29 year old with slow mind tortured to death in Illinois

Investigator Calls Pregnant Mother's Torture, Death in Illinois 'Heartbreaking'

Hayes watched the autopsy and found her injuries disturbing. X-rays revealed roughly 30 BBs lodged in her. Deep-tissue burns covered about one-third of her body — her face, her chest, her arms and feet — and left her severely dehydrated. Her face and body showed signs of prolonged abuse. Many of her wounds were infected.

None of the injuries, Hayes said, proved singly fatal to Dixon. Her system already was taxed by her unborn baby.

"The autopsy sort of indicates her immune system just shut down," he said. "It was not capable of fending off any more."

AP News

Mar 21, 2008 14:25 EST

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